NEXUS III Kunstwerk trifft Bauwerk
10. September bis 29. Oktober 2017
Festung Ehrenbreitstein

07-09-2017 – 07-23-2017 // No. 93 RD MoGanShan, Shanghai

艺术展览展示了来自中国和德国的杨青庆 、 杨凡 、
吴笠帆、 Aloys Rump、 Eva Maria Enders和
Rolf A.Kluenter等六位艺术家的珍贵作品,正如标题所暗示的,展览指出了《心经》的一面,另一方面指向了“金星逆行”的天象。
《心经》是已经在中国广泛传播、研究和实践久远的佛教文本。它的著名而通俗的说法是:“形式是空虚的 ,空虚也是形式的。” 空虚不是形式,形式是空虚。
The art exhibition shows specific works of the six artists from China and Germany – Yang Qingqing, Yang Fan, Ninu Wu, Aloys Rump, Eva Maria Enders and Rolf A. Kluenter.
As the title already suggests, the exhibition points to the Heart Sutra, on the one side, and a celestial phenomena “Venus Retrograde”, on the other hand.
The Heart Sutra is one of the most important teachings of Buddha’s Mahayana path. Since centuries the Heart Sutra has been a well-known and widely spread Buddhist text being studied and practiced in China. Its well-known and popular quote reads: “Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form. Emptiness is no other than form, form is no other than emptiness.”
Venus is the second from the Sun, sometimes being called Earth’s „sister planet“. As one of the brightest objects in the sky, Venus has been a major fixture in human culture for as long as records have existed. It has been made sacred to gods of many cultures, and has been a prime inspiration for writers and poets as the „morning star“ and „evening star“. Venus was the first planet to have its motions plotted across the sky, as early as the second millennium BC. Venus is profoundly connected with the Arts and the concept of Beauty.
Hence, “Venus Retrograde” is one of the most significant astrological transits. This is because Venus retrograde is quite rare and only happens once every 18 months. Astrologically understood, Venus is the celestial body in charge of our heart and intuition. Because of this, Venus retrogrades are often deeply healing or creatively pondering within an introversive state of mind and help to awaken our hearts to a new understanding of the subtle levels of our body, mind and spirit. A “Venus Retrograde” period may open moments of an infinite universal wisdom.
The art exhibition “Form Empty – Venus Retrograde” is connected with the concurrent Shanghai Heart Sutra Teachings “AWAKING MIND – The Field of Bodhi” which will be given by the Indian-Ladakhi meditation master His Eminence Chhoje Tulku Rinpoche VIII from July 4th und July 9th, 2017 at the ZJ.COFFE Restaurant, 2nd Floor, 99 MoghanShan Road.
fragile Lebenswelten
18.06.2017 – 12.07.2017 im Kapitalsaal der Klosteranlage Rommersdorf

Norbert Bleidt / Christel Hermann / Aloys Rump / Eva Maria Enders
Neue Arbeiten von Eva Maria Enders
„Fragile Lebenswelten“ heißt eine Kunstausstellung, die gestern in der Abtei Rommersdorf in Neuwied eröffnet wurde. Beteiligt ist unter anderem die Koblenzer Künstlerin Eva Maria Enders (Foto), die neueste Arbeiten in der
Schau vorstellt. Ihre Werke, seien es nun kreisrunde Bilder oder meterlange Stelen, sind strukturreich und reliefartig – Effekte, die die Künstlerin unter anderem erzeugt, indem sie Pigmente mit Säuren reagieren lässt. An der
Ausstellung, die von der Telefonseelsorge Mittelrhein anlässlich
ihres 50-jährigen Bestehens veranstaltet wird, sind zudem die
Künstler Aloys Rump, Christel Hermann und Norbert Bleidt beteiligt.
Die Ausstellung läuft noch bis zum 12. Juli.
RZ 19.06.2017