Eva Maria Enders It is the unusually fine, many folded structure of her paintings which becomes apparent at a first glance, One would like to compare them with a web, with something textile, with a kind of tissue, made out of closely wove threads, This impression is not a matter of mere chance. Eva Maria Enders, born in 1963 in Coblence, started her artistic career studying textile designing at the Fachhochschule Niederrhein in Moenchengladbach.Doing so, she nevertheless always kept in mind her real aim, I. E. Art, painting. Famous artists extended upon a similar way, made a detour in studying textile de signing, too, for example Georges Braque or K. O. Goetz, that informal painter under whose supervision Eva Maria Enders wrote her thesis on Tachismus and the informal. Even here, too, the threads-in this case the threads of human fate-seem to be connected remarkably. So from the start structure, materiality were not strange to the artist, they were something with which she was familiar. Even as a child, the Enders remembers herself with a laugh, she had painted pictures which were already extremely complex. Never content with having drawn one figure alone, she painted and repainted her pictures constantly, until one could hardly discern one motive from the other .“lf, for example, l painted a jungle picture, it became really a jungle of the most different elements. „

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